Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weekend Update

Remember my last post about organizing?  You should see my house, it is soooo DISorganized right now.  I just can't pull myself away from this-


The problem with watching tournament games is that you can't really do a project while they are on because you don't want to miss a play.  So right now I am being VERY unproductive.  I remember when I was in labor with Kaylee and having her, I had March Madness on at the hospital to watch and keep me distracted.  I guess you could say that I was VERY productive that year as I was watching.

I LOVE the close games and the teams that never give up and hit the winning shot right at the end.  I LOVE seeing the underdog prove that they can win.  I LOVE seeing all of the players hard work paying off.  I just LOVE college basketball because it's so competitive.  It seems like the NBA players are already making their millions and don't necessarily give it their all in their games.

Anyway, we DID go sledding this morning before the snow melted, AND before the basketball games started.  Here are a few pictures from the sledding-




SO my house is a disaster but at least I saw all of the exciting games.  I think when my kids are older I'm going to send each of them a March Madness bracket to fill out.  Then we can have a little family poll going on.  Just another way to keep the kids close as they grow older, and so I can keep watching my March Madness.


Anonymous said...

I think it is so great how into Basketball you Coley girls are! Let the house go for the month of March...April will be just around the corner, and you can play catch up then! Can't believe there is snow. It was 72 deg. in St. George yesterday! This is why I will be planning to come there in July when it is 85 and 110 here!

T.Irwin said...

My sisters and I always fill out the brackets and watch the games and cheer loudly (and over the phones because they live in LA). Loves it!~

BTW, as usual, I love the pictures!