Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break Recap

Of course it wouldn't be Spring Break without going to Uncle Warren's Dairy -



We had quite a bit of snow come through during the break.  The night we came home from my parents the roads were horrible and Colorado Springs being so hilly didn't help.  There were sooo many cars off the roads.  One of our main roads had such a pile up that it was closed down.  We tried taking back roads to avoid the accidents, but couldn't make it to the crest of this hill.  Stephen and the boys got out and kept pushing other cars and vans up the hill.  I was so scared that they were going to slip and get run over.  Finally, we made it home and it felt sooo good to be inside our warm home as the wind howled.

Because of the snow, we had a lot of snow play.  There were forts built with stashes of snowballs, snow caves made in the ditch bank drifts, and of course a big snowman was created.

Snow Fun

Snow Fun2

Snow Fun5 

Snow Fun4

The kids also did their artwork for the Aaron Brother's "Green Earth" contest.  They finished them off and we turned them in.  It was fun to see their different ideas and creativity. 

Aaron Brothers A bike ride with Grandpa AND rides on the go cart.

Bike Ride

Bike Ride2

We switched two brothers for two sisters one night.  Always when the Mason sisters come over we have to get out the hot wax and do manicures. 


We also ended the week with a basketball tournament for Kaylee.  She is sooo aggressive and quick.  I love to watch her, but just wish that she would grow.  She is in the third grade and they played in the 4th and 5th grade division.  Some of those girls were VERY tall.


Throw in the Horn guy, home theater, alligator farm and lots of cleaning AND that's what we did for Spring Break 2010!


Berly said...

FUN TIMES!! I love the "Horny Guy" post. By the way, our ward was split yesterday. A ward up north is using the Black Forest building and they split our subdivision right in half...we are with the original 10th ward and the north side of research is with another ward. Strange...but this is what happens. Kaylee is sad not to be with Ashley anymore.

Becki Madsen said...

I still am so mad we didn't go with you! It looks like you had a wonderful time!

Unknown said...

It looks like y'all had a great spring break...and your new header looks awesome!