Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Love that Horny Guy

I was going to post all of our Spring Break activities in one post, BUT couldn't resist slipping this one in.

We went to see Dave the Horn Guy today.  He has 25 different toned horns strapped all around him.  He then does this little act where he plays various songs using them.  He was hyper and fun. 

What I kept laughing at was Ashley.  She kept turning around and telling me, "I LOVE that Horny Guy".  I would smile and correct her that he was the HORN guy.  5 minutes wouldn't pass by before she would repeat how she loves the horny guy. 

Isn't is funny how just one letter in the English language can change the context of a sentence.


When it was over and I was trying to take a picture, Ashley wouldn't get in the picture because according to her, "He is too horny!"  With that comment I literally WAS laughing!

Check him out in action.


Doug and Bethany said...

That is hilarious, I can just picture her saying that in here little sweet but mischievous voice. haha. Looks like you guys had a good time. Take care

Rachel Berry said...

Wow! He does a great job, my kids would love to see this guy in person. But You Tube will have to do for now.

Your post title cracked me up, but let's hope you don't get some creeper's lurking around.....
Google searches can be a double edged sword.