I was contacted by CSN Stores to do this giveaway. They are a very comprehensive online store where you can find just about ANYTHING. Take a look at their Kids Bedding. They have so many fun quilts, comforters and pillows. I'm in the process of changing up one of my kids bedrooms and found some fun bedding there, as well as decorating ideas for it.
Now for the giveaway because I just can't wait anymore. It is a 25 inch puppet named Kenny.
Isn't he cute?!?! He could be used for pretend play with your kids. You could use him to teach a special FHE or any type of lesson. Teachers could use him in a class. Your older kids that babysit could keep him in their babysitting kit. He could even be given as a gift to someone needing a little friend.
All you need to do is leave a comment with your name and state included in your comment. If you would like an additional entry, blog about this giveaway on your blog linking back here to My Mix of Six, then come back and leave another comment with a link to your blog post.
I will use a random generator to pick a winner. The contest will end next Wednesday, March 24th at midnight. The winner will be announced the next morning. Maybe it will be YOU ....
And thanks again CSN Stores for thinking of me and offering this fun giveaway. Go check out how many products they offer with such reasonable prices!
You know I love to read your blog. And how fun especially at this time for our family since life kind of stinks right now. Hope you are doing well.
I'm excited you are doing a giveaway! I hope I'm the WINNER! He is a cute little guy!
Kristy, Tennessee
First I have to say you are "Super Woman"!! I know no one like you, you inspire me to be a better wife, mother and person! You truly amaze me! Cherie, Utah
How fun to be contacted by them! That means other people LOVE your blog as much as we do! Totally hope someone in my circle of family and friends wins! I hope I win, too!
Rachel, St. George, UT
Your blog is so fun to read and has inspired many ideas in my neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing so many great activities!
Chandler, AZ
My boys would love him! What a great teaching tool. Hope we're the winners!
Kerry, Boston, Massachusetts.
He would be perfect for my future classroom. Still plugging away with school, but collecting all sorts of fun books and extras as I go. Hope I am the luck recipient. By the way, have you found a 1/2 marathon for us yet?
I love reading your blog! your children are GORGEOUS! I love the red hair. I have 2 red headed twins and I just LOVE it! I'm excited for them to get older and have that beautiful hair!
-Laura, Texas
How exciting...you're having a give-a-way. And isn't Kenny a handsome little thing!
Katherine | Georgia
And of course I posted about your give-a-way on my blog
Katherine, Georgia
Love your blog, And love the puppet!
Adelle, New York
You are officially the queen of blogging! I want to win the cute puppet!
Linnea, Colorado
I linked the contest to my blog as well :)
Cami, Utah http://thestruiksmas.blogspot.com/2010/03/puppet-giveaway-amazing.html
What a cute puppet!! I would love to have him join my 4th grade classroom :) My kids would LOVE it!! I can already imagine the fun lessons... Thanks for doing the giveaway. I hope I win!!
Cami, Utah
I left one. :)
What a cute puppet! I sure do love your blog. You have so many great ideas and you inspire me to be a better mother. Thank you!
Me! Me!
Kim Colorado
He is the cutest puppet! Who cares about the kids I want one.
I love puppets!
Sheri E, Utah
My husband's name is Kenny and that doll actually looks like him. I love it.
Marci, Utah
how fun! I am a lurker on your blog but love all of your pictures and ideas
My three kids just got a puppet theatre for their birthday and I just put on the first of many puppet shows at their birthday party. We'd love to have an addition!
Shauna, Shauna, Once again, this little giveaway is just more proof that I have a celebrity friend! Anyway, I'm just lucky to have you as a friend, AND NOT just cause I have a chance at winning the puppet!!!
Angie, Colorado
I am new to your blog. I followed my nieces link to here. I would love the little guy!
Here is a link to my blog. I forgot to give my location. I am Debbie and I live in Centerville, Utah.
Okay, one more time.
That is such a cute puppet! Pick ME!
Lora - Ohio
Look at him! My kids would love him..husband would hate him. :)
Rachel from NV!
We would love to have Kenny join our family! Please can we bring him home with us? :) :) :)
Angie Colorado
So Cute! My kids would have a blast playing with Kenny! Love your blog- especially all the photos...
I love your blog! We would love a chance to win this guy! My kiddos would LOVE it! Especially my son! We are in Washington!
Thanks for your blog...Your family is beautiful!
Love, love, love your blog! You're an inspiration to me, and I know that the ideas I get from reading your blog help me to be a better mother and wife. Thank you for that. My "Mix of 3" ;-) would adore that cute lil' puppet! Hope we win!
Jessica, Virginia
I'd love a chance to win! It would be a fun item to have in our home for homeschooling and FHE - or at the public school I work at within my classroom too. Thanks for a chance to win. Love your blog!
My boys would love that puppet!
Malinda, Idaho
Love your blog!
Tami, Utah
This would be fun to use in primary, huh?! Or maybe HE could yell at the kids for a change! haha
Erin, Illinois
Your blog is one of my favorites!
Miriam, Michigan
I guess I'm going to add to your comments. I love you and am so grateful to have your blog to get to know your family better. You have such great ideas that help me try to be a better person. Since you have another Miriam comment - I'm your cousin, Miriam.
I love your blog! I've been inspired by several of your posts. Cute puppet.
Jill UT
I always love looking at your blog Shauna and staeling your ideas. :)
Julie, Colorado
What a fun giveaway! I love reading your blog!
Jamie, Utah
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