Saturday, March 20, 2010

Drawers and Organization

My cousin, Lydia came to live with us quite a few years ago.  One day I was trying to explain where something was, telling her "It's just on that shelf..."  She then explained to me the concept of "A Place for Everything".  Yes the batteries might be kept on a shelf in the laundry room, but they need a basket or bin to be contained in, not just a plastic bag.  I still remember going out and getting a junk drawer organizer with her that day so that there was a little compartment for everything in my junk drawer.  Since that day Ms. Lydia, I have tried to have a place for everything.  It's just amazing how quickly things can be found, saving time that is so valuable around here.

My FAVORITE organizing is using drawers because it looks so clean on the outside.  The coats in this closet look busy enough, so I like the simplicity of the small dresser.  It's small yet big enough to rummage in.  One drawer is gloves, another for hats, then one for snow toys ...
We recently put up this little shelf in the older girls room, so that all the drawing books have a place instead of scattered all over their desk taking up room.  I also love the little utensil carousel that gives the glue, scissors and other gadgets a place as well.  All of it just keeps the desk area clean.
Back to the drawers, I have a recipe drawer in my kitchen that keeps recipes filed.  And today I just organized my greeting cards in their own drawer.  I have always used a shoe box, which eventually gets used for a school project and I'm without one until the next box of shoes I buy.  So I'm quite excited about my card drawer.  I have enjoyed organizing all my stuff in this new little craft room.
Then there's the Polly Pocket room (A big walk in closet).  My dad made the cute little house.  Sometimes we have it set up for Barbies in there.  BUT lately, it has been a Polly Pocket / Little Pet Shop area.  It can look quite messy all strung out when they are playing, but literally takes a minute to clean up by putting each house in its shelf and scouping up all the itty bitty clothes, dolls and animals into the purple tub.  
Polly Room
I really need to paint that house.  Yet another project on my to do list.
My areas that are the messiest are the ones that don't have designated places for the "stuff".  It's probably quite ironic that I'm doing this post today because my house isn't representing organization right now.  March Madness is on and I LOVE to watch it!


Unknown said...

Very organized! I’m impressed!

Anonymous said...

I love this! Our house is organized a lot like what you posted, but, I loved seeing the house for the polly pockets, etc. That is an idea I could find a spot for. You are so lucky to have a woodworking father! the homemade wood projects look so much better than store bought! Ask your Dad if he'd like to add another daughter to his family?