Sunday, January 17, 2010

Weekly Update

Ashley had a little lunch date with her dad.  She was soooo excited to go.  I curled her hair and helped fancy her up.  I have a feeling that she is probably going to have this same exhuberance when she is older and dating.
She kept reminding her brothers and sisters where she was going and that they COULD NOT come.

Stephen took her to the Elephant Bar.  Ash was in awe of the animal decor.  Here is a picture when they came home with her tiger glasses still on.
And of course Stephen pulling away from her kiss, just as he does with my kisses!

Nathan played the piano for his scout talent show.  He was going to juggle his soccer ball on his knees and feet.  His record is 64 without letting it touch the ground.  He decided to do the piano instead.  I'm glad he played.  He sure is getting good. 
Kaylee got a sewing machine for Christmas and was busy with a new little project.  She has been making rice heat bags.  She made one for her teacher, brothers, sisters, grandma and herself.  They are the perfect project for beginning sewing.  It's fast and easy to create one.
Rice bags2
Rice bags
Rebecca is determined to finish the Book of Mormon before she is baptized in August.  She is on page 144.  I know she will make her goal, because she is reading it all the time.  The day I went to volunteer at the school I was picking up the kids from their classrooms and she emerged down the hall looking like this
Beck at School
I still had my camera from the buffalo eye dissection so I snapped a quick one of her coming toward me.  She asked me, "Why are you taking a picture of me at school?"  I told her that she looked too cute carrying all of her stuff with her Book of Mormon down the hall.  She is such a determined girl when she sets her mind to do something.

Jacob - He had an overnighter camp-out this weekend.  It was cold, but he LOVED it as usual.

Me - I had a fat bruised upper lip for most of the week from a hard elbow hit, while playing basketball.  Ash reminded me quite regularly that my mouth was ugly.  It hurt to smile, and I realized that I kinda smile as I talk.

I also went to a good friend's retirement ceremony and left feeling depressed.  She served 21 years in the Air Force and now gets retirement pay as she stays at home.  She had a very high rank and had done so many things and recieved so many honors.  Many around me were surprised by some of the high ranking people in attendance.  They said that she was over a team of 200 people and had a 98 percent mission success rate with them.  I just sat there wondering what I have really done with my life, and got a little bit depressed to tell you the truth!

Anyway, that is our week synopsis.  On to a NEW week!!!


Ryan M. Spillane said...

I enjoyed your update! I REALLY miss your family!!!!! I can't wait for Summer so we can come visit!

Love Ya,

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

what????? do you not see your great awesomeness evident in every single one of your blogs? you are an inspiration to me!!!! YOU come up in several of my conversations about how i don't feel like i get much done in my days :) i'll never know how you do all that you do! and some day, when you see your "lineage" you too will be in awe with your awesomeness i'm sure :)

Miriam said...

Why do we do this to ourselves?? I find myself with those feelings sometimes when I read your blog and wonder why I didn't do all these wonderful things with my kids when they were little. I know that these feelings are the work of the adversary.
Hang in there, you are so wonderful and do so many creative things!!!

Anonymous said...

"I know that these feelings are the work of the adversary."; I have to agree with you Miram.

You do exactly what you're supposed to do, and then some. Seems that you have a great family. I don't know any of you, but if they are good, respectful, and smart children like they seem to be, then you are very blessed and that is more valuable than anything in the world. Many people live their lives without ever having experienced what you have.

Unknown said...

You are all sweet. I don't know why as women we think we have to do everything, because it is literally impossible!

Thanks for your sweet comments and emails.

Maria Babin said...

What do you mean what have you really done with your life???? I am absolutely overwhelmed every time I see all the amazing things you do with your 6 children!!!! When I read your blog, I wonder what am I really doing with my life. Your organization, foresight, creativity, enthusiasm, love and spirituality make you I am sure a perfectly loveable mom that is making an eternal difference for her family, the kind that I aspire to become! Courage! (as we say here in France ;)