Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Responsible Woman

The Responsible Woman is one of my FAVORITE pieces of artwork.  It is by James Christensen and sells for thousands of dollars. 

He states about this painting, “I painted this in homage to my wife.   I thought of all her roles in life and the many weighty responsibilities she shouldered as a full-time wife and mother of five young children. Women everywhere relate to the need to confidently soar above life's troubles and challenges. In a given day she may shuttle the children, prepare a gourmet feast, keep to hectic time schedules and more, but she always keeps her head up and carries the light of hope to those around her.”

I LOVE how her head is lifted and confident.  I LOVE how she is looking forward to the light and has that clearly set in front of her.  I also love how she has TONS of things hanging on to her yet she is still able to move forward.  And I have to point out that I quite like her RED hair!

I have had this picture in my room for quite a few years now.  I like to look at it as I think of my goals and my daily schedules.

Christensen2 And do you know how I got this picture, since we don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on artwork?  I cut it out of a magazine!  When I first saw it in the magazine, I ran and bought another magazine to make another one for Alesha’s birthday that was coming up. 

Do you have a favorite piece of artwork?


Unknown said...

What a lovely piece! James Christensen is my favorite artist and his "Touching the hem of God" is my all time hangs in my living room. The first time I saw it I searched high & low for a print I could afford. It took me years, but I finally found it on eBay of all places. Love your blog...

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

i've never seen or heard of this! it's exactly what i needed to see this morning too! spent yesterday going over everything in needed to do this week and feeling rather "trampled" by it all. thanks for sharing!

Derek Johnson said...

Not sure if you knew, but James Christensen is LDS. He even has a painting called "Hold to the Rod" after one of his favorite hymns. I love his work too, and wish I could afford it for different reasons.

My favorite painting of his is called Fairy Tales, and has characters from dozens of fairy tales mingling together. Another has different characters from the parables of Jesus, and you have to figure out which is which in the painting.