Friday, August 20, 2010



This summer we have been busy with yard work.  One day I had the kids out pulling weeds with me.  I noticed that they were pulling all of the tall, lanky weeds and none of the short, bushy weeds.  I told them that they needed to pull ALL the weeds and asked them why they were neglecting the short ones.  They came to me showing me the difference in the weeds' root systems.  The tall ones had very small and shallow roots, which made them very easy to pull.  However, the short, bushy weeds had a very deep and extensive root system.  They were nearly impossible for the kids to pull out!

This made me wonder how deep my personal roots were.  Could I be easily pulled out?  I know that the more we pray, serve and read our scriptures - the more roots we are developing and the stronger we become.

Since shallow roots are easy to be pulled out, people tend to attack those with the shallow roots.  They know that these people would be easy to pull out and change.  The kids and I talked about roots the entire time we were out there.  I wanted to put it in our family blog to help the kids and I remember the root conversation and analogy.

How deep are your roots?  Can they support you?

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