Last year we made THESE. It was just sewing three lines. This year I decided to do pajama pants. It you think about it, it is just four straights of sewing. Thread the elastic through and hem the bottoms and there you have it!
They are a quick and easy project that you really can't mess up. We made a trip to Joann's for everyone to choose their fabric. I made them choose flannel because it is a very forgiving fabric when it comes to sewing because it is just the right thickness. It was interesting to see the kids' choices. We had everything from pink elephants to blue guitars.
I KNEW that I would have to be mellow and not freak out at all or else it wouldn't be a good learning experience for my kids. I also decided to do it with all the kids at the same time. That way they older could help the younger and we could all finish together. I LOVED seeing the older boys helping the little girls, reinforcing the steps that they had already done.
I only took a couple of pictures because things were quite busy.
I let Ashley pin her pattern on her fabric. It kept her busy for quite some time and looked like this.
I did let Ashley cut her own pants out and then went back and "helped" cut a little more. We really enjoyed this project. I think that sewing Pajama pants has to be the easiest clothing project to make. We finished all six in one afternoon. My boys even loved it because they enjoy using the sewing machine with the foot pedal.
By the way ... doesn't a certain someone look cute in her elephant PJ's WITH her NEW haircut!
We sure LOVE the new PJ's! They all turned out super cute and will be fun to wear. I think I may even make it a summer tradition to do PJ's every year.