Thursday, June 10, 2010

Summer Reading Programs

We LOVE to read in the summer!  AND I love all the reading programs that are available.  They add an extra incentive for the kids to read. 

Years past we would decorate or tie dye library bags.  We have made plenty of bookmarks.  A few years ago I put together a little scripture reading chart for the summer with an ice cream date when they completed it.  I used clip art from the friend and added my own title and text.
Summer Reading
I started to print them up when I noticed Deseret Book had their own summer program.  I thought it would be fun for a change.  The reward is a $10 gift card!
We did sign the kids up at the library.   Jacob is a library volunteer for the summer reading program.  It adds to his service hours and  is a great experience for him to work with so many different people and different ages.

I had my camera to get a picture of him in action but saw the light coming in the window as the sun was going down and ended up with lots of pictures of the other kids.  I'm deciding that older kids are harder to get a picture of.
I WILL get a picture of Jacob in his Volunteer shirt though, even if I have to bribe him!!!

1 comment:

Ryan M. Spillane said...

I love that picture of Ash!!