Sunday, May 16, 2010

Weekend Update

We had soccer games.  But one of the pictures I took looks like Nathan doing ballet and his opponent doing karate.

Nathan Soc

I had this really HOT guy clean my windows on Saturday and can I just say that I LOVE clean windows.  Everything outside looks so crisp and clear.  Thanks again Stever!


Friday night we took a trip to the Rocky Mtn Chocolate Factory and then we went to a phenomenal dance festival.  When they started with the Sound of Music You Tube clip I knew it was going to be fun.  I was blown away by the costumes, choreography, and dance accessories.  My kids LOVED it!  I sat there so grateful for others talents and their willingness to share, whether it was through sewing costumes, teaching dance or just working with all of those youth.  How fun for the youth AND how fun for us to get to see the performance.


We worked out in the garden and flower beds over the weekend.  I love seeing all the green.  The kids each planted their own hill of pumpkin seeds.  It's always a contest who can grow the biggest.  I sure could work outside all day, but the house doesn't like when I do that.


This week the kids also had their field day.  Each class wears their own unique T-shirt that has the same design and color.  Kaylee's teacher is Mrs. White thus the "The Great WHITE Shark" shirt.  Stephen spent the day with them watching their events.  I stayed home with the little girls because it was sooo cold.  Thanks again Stephen for going!

Field Day1

Also, this week Nathan crossed over from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts.  He received his Arrow of Light.

Arrow of Light

Those were some of our highlights.  Mix in a couple birthday parties and a couple end of season soccer parties and it was quite busy, BUT productive! 

1 comment:

charity said...

hey shauna, i'm glad you guys made it to the dance festival, it WAS fun...especially now it is over and i get my teenagers back...i have to admit, i cried when the waltz girls came out with their soldier escorts, because that is where I helped the most, and i knew personally how many hours went into each of those least they are planning to do this again in 4 years...lets see, then I will have 3 teenage daughters dancing...guess I should go clear my calendar now...