Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Nathan's Room

So I have been working here and there on the kids' bedrooms.  Nathan has been asking for a soccer room.  Can you guess what the theme in his room right now is ... here are a few of the magnets on his dry erase board

A Room3

Here is the ledge above his door. 

A Room2

Yes, you guessed it, it is a Star Wars theme.  I loved the vinyl that Charity did on the ledge.  I loved the fact that Nathan woke up each morning reading that phrase. 

However, now we are switching gears a little.  I think that the new vinyl I will put up will say, "Don't go through Life without GOALS".  It has the soccer theme yet a little deeper meaning for setting goals.

ANYWAY, he has been begging me to put up some of his medals.  He has even went as far as telling me that HE was going to nail a row of nails to hang them on.  SOOO, I finally put up a little something to display them.  I took an old wood shelf and had Stephen drill some long wood pegs into it so that the ribbon would fit nice on the peg.  Painted it all black and WHA- LA...

A Room

Of course as soon as he saw it he had to trade out medals and trophies and put on all his favorite tournament ones.  I liked the ones that I picked out for their color combinations, but they obviously weren't the "good' ones.

He told me that I need to make a couple more of these trophy shelves.  Uh, ya Nathan, look how long it took to get this one out of me!!!

My latest little project is a desk.  The kids have desks in their rooms, either actual or built in desks.  Except for the little girls room.  I have had a hard time finding one the right size OR getting Stephen to build one in the little space made for one in their room.  Well, I happened on to a find for $10.  It is the perfect dimensions to fit the spot.  It is actually a sewing machine table but I thought that it could easily be made into a desk.  I just need to put a piece of sheeting over the top to cover the flip out.  He needs painted white and the fun handles on the drawers need to be painted silver to match the rest of the room.  I'm quite excited about it, but obviously not so excited that I actually have it all finished.

A Room4

Oh there is just always a project!!!

1 comment:

Rachel S. Smith said...

I love the star wars magnets! So funny. Good luck on the dresser. I love it when you find something old and cheap and repurpose it! Cant wait to see the final project!