Sunday, May 9, 2010

Umbrellas in Rain

I picked up some fun flower rain gear on clearance at Target.  Ash has been wearing the boots everywhere this week.  Well the other evening, rain started to sprinkle and I told Ash she could try out the new umbrella.  She was SOOOO excited as she sat out on the rocks and trotted across the lawn.  She would yell to me on the porch, "The rain is not getting me!!!"


I stood there snapping pictures thinking of how much she was enjoying the rain.  My idea of enjoying rain is to sit cuddled up with a good book and just listening to the rain.  Kids of course love to play out IN the rain, especially with an umbrella. 

I so LOVE watching my Ash enjoy life!

1 comment:

Rachel S. Smith said...

Yah! Hunter got three pairs of rain boots from target this week But I'm the kind of mom who doesn't want them to actually play in the rain and mud, I just buy them as an alternative to flip flops. Quick and easy shoes for them to grab when we have to run somewhere. I think they are funny when he has on shorts and big rain boots! The umbrella and coat are adorable!