Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Choose THEIR Friends

When we first moved to Colorado Springs I was very impressed with a family in our Ward.  The mother was MaryAnn McConkie.  Every one of her kids (and she has quite a few) were incredible.  They were all strong leaders making choices that were placing them were they needed to be in life.  One day while I was chatting with her I asked what her secret was to raising such good kids.  (I only had my boys at the time and they were toddlers) 

She told me that her secret was that SHE chose who their friends were.  I thought that was silly since you CAN'T choose someone else's friends, but then as she kept talking I could see the wisdom.  She asked me if my toddlers called their friends to set up their play dates.  (Of course I did)  She then pointed out that as my kids get older it is me saying yes or no to whether they can go with certain friends.  She told me that as I continually say yes to those friends who would be good examples to mine, I'm essentially "choosing" their friends. 

Then as they grow older they know what good friends are like and what values they have because they have been around so many.  It will be a stark contrast to those who are not strong friends.  Oh the wisdom from an older mother!

I think what got me thinking about this today was this quote that I read.  It is soooo true!

"While you should be friendly with all people, select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you.  They will be your safeguards in situations where you may vacillate between choices"  President Gordon B Hinckley

Friends are SO important.  They have such a strong influence on our lives.  I'm grateful that I CAN choose my kids' friends.


stephanie said...

love this!

Writers_block said...

Great blog! I'm wondering though, how she would have handled a child who was a good kid, with external influences that aren't so great? My daughter has a friend who is a great kid, but lives in a rough neighborhood, mom ran off, etc.....

Lorie said...

Such great advice! I think, in addition to that, if you make your home a place where your kids friends love to come than you can always see WHO your kids friends are and see the way they interact!

It is my dream to be the cool house where my kids want to bring their friends!!