Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Made Someone Happy

These brought a HUGE smile to someone's face today -


Therefore, they made me happy too.  Yes, they are even a VERY bright happy yellow color.

Nathan has completely worn down his last set of cleats to where they are lopsided.  He constantly has them on before and after school practicing soccer.  However, finding time to buy him new cleats was getting impossible.  He begged this morning to run to Dick's before his practice tonight, but looking at the afternoon calendar I could see it NOT happening.  SOOOO I decided around noon to go take him out of school and take him on a little date.  When I picked him up he had this bewildered stare, then as we walked out to the van I told him that I needed someone to go to Dick's with me.  That's when the smile started.  The smile continued to grow as he picked out these BRIGHT new soccer cleats.  We better see some fancy footwork in them this weekend!


hayley said...

you are such a fun mom!! i never think to take my kids out of school, but of course my oldest is only in kindergarten and hates being taken out early. thanks for all your great ideas. i just love your blog@

Unknown said...

My relationship with shoes is I need to pick up playing soccer and get a pair like Nathan?! Love them.