Friday, April 9, 2010

Love this List!

These kids are my full time job all day every day -
As with any job, you are always looking for ways to become better and improve.  Most jobs have check lists and special procedures to follow.

Tonight I found this list on Clover Lane.  I tweaked it a little to apply to MY family, and thought that I would share it.

1. I took the time to step back and react like a mature adult in charge of the situation.  I educated and taught instead of getting angry.
2. I looked into the eyes of each child with a smile on my face. Not always, but often. 
3. I took the time to search out a little piece of goodness in each one and let them know it. 
4. I went outside with them, in any kind of weather, for a walk, or to play.
5. I shared my testimony in either action or word.
6. I got down on my hands and knees to play,  and read books with the little ones.
7. I was "ready" for the older ones when they got home from school.
8. I fed us all healthy food and we ate together as a family.
9. I kept our house relatively cleaned and straightened, supplied with good music and good things to do... books, creative toys.
10. I tucked freshly scrubbed, shampoo-smelling children into bed...and spent a little time reading or talking about their day before lights-out.
11. I prayed for each of my children.

I think I need to print up a little check list to review each night.  Reminders are always good for me.  I know that I can never do ALL these perfectly everyday, but I can always try.  Some days I might only be able to do a few on the list, but it's good to remember them.

I'm sure my kids would tell you that I need some kind of check list to be a better mom.  On Monday I freaked out at Jacob wanting to play Othello with me because the Final Four championship was on. "Why would I want to play that with you, when this game is on?..." Not a stellar moment.  Also on Monday another freak out when Ashley was in the gym watching me play basketball.  I told her she couldn't leave the gym, nor cross the line on to the court to talk with me.  Well after an hour of sitting there, she proceeded to pee on my friend's basketball that she was sitting on.  She didn't leave the gym nor bother me, but hello why pee on the ball?!?!?  When I saw what she had done, another freak out. 
So you see this is why I need a list to help me along a bit.
What would make your list?


Dana said...

I love that list also! I feel like motherhood can be so overwhelming at times with the cleaning, the cooking, the teaching (aka telling the kids what to do or what not to do) the managing, dare I say the list goes on and on. How nice to see a daily reminder of what matters most. The other parts of being the mom can be neglected sometimes and life still goes on with little lasting effect.
But, the effect of how we love and show that love to our children will never end.
Thank you for the list :) I really needed the reminder!

Unknown said...

Love the list. Love the stories. It is nice to know that we are not alone. We have all had those non stellar moments. Ones, we never want to repeat. The great thing is that as they grow up they don’t remember all of the bad times, just of few of them. Luckily as I get older, the ones they remember, I have forgotten! lol

You are doing a terrific job just sharing your testimony with them. They will follow your stellar examples and forget the rest! You are an excellent mom! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

So funny about the freak outs! What a capable little girl! I thought only boys peed where they weren't supposed to! That was funny! I think I need to make a list like that and check it EVERY time I am called to parent or react....there is a lot of things I could improve on! You are an amazing woman, doing a great job as a mother!

stephanie said...

Thankyou for posting this! You encourage me yet again. I am a list person and while pondering my mothering woes the other day, I decided to make a list similar to this when I got a free moment. You just reminded me and inspired me. Thankyou!