Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Starfish

“Uh, mom my teacher asked if someone would go first with their ocean project for an example”

“Oh that’s nice …”

“And I said that I could do it”

You did?!?  So when is this due?”

“On Tuesday. And I thought that I could do this huge paper mache model, and put tubing with suckers all over the legs on the bottom, and then put rocks all over the top to make it like the real ones look like, and then spray paint it like we did the bats because it’s a fast way to paint….”

I’m thinking how fun school projects are and how fun a very creative child is when he is doing them.  NOT!!!!!!!! 

There was a lot of this going on over the weekend.


He turned out like this …

Starfish2 And had details like this… (The balloon is the stomach of the starfish.  I guess they have two stomachs.  The things you learn with your kids!) 


“Mom, my teacher said it was fantastic.  Thanks for helping me with my idea”

I guess it was all worth it, working with my Jacob!!!


Becky Wilcox said...

That is AWESOME!! Way to go Jacob! Very creative!!

T.Irwin said...

fun! and truly creative!