Friday, October 16, 2009

Photography Help

So just when I think I’m understanding and learning my camera, I find out that I have SO MUCH more to learn.  I also found out that there are many people ready and willing to help and answer my questions.

Remember my hat pictures?  Well I was getting frustrated about an aspect in them and sent out an email plea for help.  A sweet relative who shall remain anonymous AND an amazing photographer/photo editor from iheartfaces actually replied to me.  I changed settings and did what they suggested and then sent them my retakes.  I was so excited about how much better my photos looked to which I received emails telling me “Great, now you should NEXT work on…”  UGHHHHH…..  There are just sooo many factors involved in taking a good picture!!!  AND everything hinges and changes on each little factor involved.

I do love learning though, AND I’m SOOO grateful for you sweet ladies for helping me. 

Here was my last hat model who sat for a TOTAL of 1 minute, BUT by this time I had my settings all down and could do THE minute!


You would think that Jerrica would be my model that would only last ONE minute, BUT NO that would be my oldest!


lanisue said...

Hey Shauna,

I have a friend from CAlif. that does photography and she has a facebook help site. If you would like I could give you the link. She is a nurse also but is raising 4 little ones and does this photography on the side. Her blog is I think and she loves to talk about photography with people so she started the facebook link.

Becki Madsen said...

The picture looks AMAZING! Pass on your secrets pllleeasse!

lanisue said...

THe link is I was wrong before.

Ryan M. Spillane said...

Jacob is so handsome!! I think your a great photographer!

T.Irwin said...

I love photography and have so much fun learning the ins and outs of how to take various types of pictures. I am shocked at how many others are willing to share in their discoveries, too.