Monday, October 19, 2009

The Old Mule FHE

I was organizing papers and quotes on Sunday and came across some fun stories from a favorite book.  As soon as I saw this one I KNEW that it would be PERFECT for Family Home Evening.  We have had a few here lately wallowing in their problems and feeling sorry for themselves.  Actually I think I might even be one of them!

Once upon a time there was a farmer who owned a mule.  The mule was old and was losing his sight.  One day the mule stumbled into an abandoned well that lay on the farm.  He was shaken by the fall but not hurt, and as he attempted to get out of the well he began to bray.  The old mule made so much noise that the farmer rushed to the well to find out what the commotion was about.  The well was deep and the mule was old.  The farmer figured the mule was injured and decided that the most prudent action would be to bury the old mule right then and there.  The farmer retrieved a shovel from the barn and began shoveling the old well full of dirt.  The mule was confused and concerned about what was happening as dirt began to land on his head and back.  It appeared, that it was the end of him, until an amazing thing happened.  Each time a shovel full of dirt fell onto his back, he shook it off and stomped it into the ground beneath him.  The more dirt that fell, the more he shook and stomped.  By the end of the day, he’d shaken and stomped long enough that even though the well did fill up, he stayed on top.  With the well sufficiently full, he stepped out and walked, exhausted, to his stall in the barn.  In life there will be people who will throw dirt on you.  If you shake it off and don’t let it build up, like that old mule, you’ll be able to rise above those dark situations that will occur in your life. 



I just love the message to that story!  I put up the mule picture on our fridge as a little reminder.  It was a short and quick one tonight, but hopefully will be remembered.


Lillian J. Banks said...

Where was that earlier tonight?? Using it next week- thanks :)

Ryan M. Spillane said...

I love the story! Thanks for sharing!!

T.Irwin said...

There's a FHE blog that I kind of like to follow:
Just for some ideas.