Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Garden after all the Rains

It seems like every year some vegetables just really do well and others not so much.  Then the next year they reverse roles.  This year we have had a TON of rain, which has been wonderful for our new lawn, but not so wonderful for a garden that needs hot temperatures.  My peas did really good due to the cool weather, BUT my little strawberry picker turned into a pea picker.


Our squash, zuchini, cucumbers and pumpkins need hot temperatures.  The pumpkins are VERY small and we have only had four zuchini’s so far.  However, the heat has come and I see them producing NOW!


After stealing corn from Stephen’s corn patch, my garden box of corn is looking good.  They even have ears on them!!!  Exciting!!!


And the tomatoes…  We have eaten three, BUT there are a ton that will be ripening soon.  I learned a couple of years ago that tomato plants need to be pruned so that all the growth and nutrients go to the tomatoes instead of the stems and leaves.  What a difference that has made!  Before I would have huge, gorgeous plants with just a few tomatoes.  Now they are LOADED with big, Beef Steak tomatoes.  You can see the pruning in the second picture.  My grandma used to say that the base of the plants need a lot of heat, well how are they going to get it with a lot of foilage shading the bottom.  Anyway, look at the tomato loads…



Last week I dug my potato plant that came up from last year somehow.  The kids loved seeing all the hidden potatoes.  And I was excited to have potatoes to mash up for our Sunday dinner!  Anyway, that’s our garden!  I wish that we wouldn’t have had those hail storms, I wish that my carrots were doing better, I wish that my soybeans would grow more, and why have my peppers not really made an appearance this year!!!!


lanisue said...

I'm jealous I want a garden so bad. I do have Zucchini and tomatoes but one have 3 baby ones on each. I need to be back in california where everything grows. Don't forget the cooking group the last thurs of the month I am doing the cooking group.

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

that is an amazing growth! we're just eating cucumbers the bucket loads though! it's all i've had grow! my fruits are just sitting there, looking like flowers :) you must have some of that great farming gene in you!

Becki Madsen said...

Welcome to the climate of Colorado where the growing season is 2 seconds long. Your garden does look great though!