Monday, August 3, 2009


I LOVE to read.  My husband loves to read and after the first few years of marriage with him constantly telling me to turn down the TV because he was reading, I decided to start reading myself.  I LOVE when I get a book that I enjoy.  I just can’t put it down and stay up late into the night to finish it.  However, as I near the end of it, I slow down because I don’t want it to end.  I want to keep the characters alive.

I just finished this book, “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett.  It is set in the deep south in the 1960’s and is about two black maids, and a young, white woman that just graduated from college. The characters are wonderfully developed, as are the historical background and setting. I LOVED as each character took a turn narrating the story and would leave off at a climatic part just as another would take over.  Oh, I just really enjoyed it!  Now what am I going to read?!?

Speaking of reading, last Saturday Stephen and I took the kids swimming.  Stephen is trying hard to work on their strokes with them.  Well, this woman sees us come in and comments on “all” the children.  She then proceeds to stalk me out.  I was like ‘what is her deal’.  Then she comes back over to me and asks me, “I can’t help but notice how well behaved your children are.  And with this many you have to be an expert on parenting books and probably know the best parenting books.  Can I ask you what your favorite one is?”  I stand there stunned wondering why she is talking with me instead of swimming!  I then feel embarrassed to tell her that I have never read a parenting book.  Isn’t that sad, all these kids and I have never read a parenting book!  Sure I read articles in magazines and things here and there but I can honestly say that I’ve never read a parenting book.

Well, I felt like my kids were getting jipped some how and that night put a book on hold at the library.  I’ve heard a lot of women talk about it and I feel like I better read at least one parenting book.  I’m going to pick it up tomorrow at the library, so I will let you know how it goes.  I just have a hard time reading relationship books.  I deal with them all day long, by the time night falls I just want to escape into a story with characters to learn from.  Oh, I’m just sad that “The Help” book is over. 

Have any of you read anything GREAT lately?  Notice that I didn’t say, GOOD!?!


Summer Spillane Jordan said...

okay, i'm not a reader either! jace has had to teach me to read and enjoy it. honestly, twilight (i know don't start laughing) is the first "set" of books i've ever settled into and had to read to the end! i mostly read parenting's not because i like how they read, it's just that i feel i've gotten something out of it when i'm finished. one i would recommend is bringing up boys. by dobson (focus on the family)...good overall view on how we need to raise our boys to be gentlemen, thus teaching the gals to be ladies. i loved it! let me know if you find a great read...i haven't read another book since twilight...i'm gonna try the one you had on here.

Becki Madsen said...

I have read The Velveteen Rabbit, Look at Babies Eyes and Is There a Monster at the End of This Book? I am looking forward to when I have my husband back and I can actually start and finish a book!By the way, you DO NOT need to read parenting books, you should WRITE parenting books. You are the greatest mother I know!