Wednesday, August 5, 2009

FHE on Temples


Rebecca was given a really cute hand-out on Sunday from her Primary teacher and begged to do Family Home Evening the next night. Her teacher had given her a picture of a temple with a pocket on the back. The pocket had six little cards that described what happens inside of a temple. We were lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa Coley with us on Monday to do the lesson with us. Rebecca was so cute conducting and teaching her little lesson.

After she talked about temples, we talked about all of the time that ordinance workers spend serving in the temple and how grateful we are for them. I had made some temple stationery and we let each one write a thank you letter to a temple worker. I so enjoyed reading them - is that bad that I read everyone’s?!? Jacob commented on being 12 and excited to do baptisms for the dead. My dad commented on all the work that is done to keep the temples clean and beautiful. Then Kaylee had a sweet note about being excited to go to the temple someday.


My neighbor is older and works in the temple every Wednesday. I had Rebecca put each letter in a separate envelope for Sister Mohan to hand out to various temple workers the next time she goes up. Everyone appreciates a Thank You!!!

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