Monday, August 31, 2009

Duck Tape Day

Duck TapeEd

I’m always doing projects with the girls, but boy projects are little harder to come by. Well, Spencer came over one morning and we decided to have a duck tape day. Do you realize how many things can be made from duck tape?!? We started out with these wallets. We just followed instructions from youtube.

Duck Tape2Ed

Our other project was Indiana Jones whips. We braided 12 foot duck tape. I actually braided as the three boys ran around behind me keeping the braid from tangling. When we finished the braid we duck taped it around a hand size dowel. I had Steve help me finish doing the whips, and he stood there cracking them and acting like Indiana Jones.

They were quite tough whips. Nathan would coil his around the swing set and swing from it. It was definitely a boy project day. However, the girls did start making bracelets and rings from the ducktape!

Duck Tape3Ed


T.Irwin said...

There's a Duct Tape prom competition every year. The couple has to make both outfits (the dress and the suit) out of duct tape. I guess there's a nice scholarship given to the winners.

The Indiana Jones whips sound like fun. Your pics are pretty great, too.

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

this is too great! now we're gonna have to have a duct tape day too! you are just so dang clever!