Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lick Me!

So I’m sitting there reading Ashley stories and when we finish she turns around and gives me one of her big hugs.  Then she turns to me and says, “Mom will you lick me?!”  I was like, “WHAT?”  “Please mom will you just lick my hair a little bit”, she asks.  By this time I’m grossing out and wondering where she is getting this from.  “Why do you want me to LICK you Ash?”  She then explains that Simba’s mom in the Lion King licked him because she loves him.  OK my dear, we are NOT cats!!!  I think she has embodied this Lion King a little to much.

A few other funny things she is saying right now.  Instead of “mind your own business” she will say “FIND your own business”.  The boys always get annoyed at her messing up these lines.  She also says “Plant me mom” when I’m watering the garden or flowers.  She means to say, “spray me”  The last one is “it was on PURPOSE” instead of “it was an accident”.  But then again, knowing Ashley maybe she really is meaning to say I did it on purpose!!!

Oh Ashley!!!!


Ryan M. Spillane said...

Ashley is so funny! Sydney and I miss her.

tren said...

Jillian mixes up "on purpose" and "on accident", too!