Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I HATE socks!  I don't mean wearing them, but washing them.  There are eight in our family, which means sixteen feet.  Times that by seven days a week and I'm dealing with 112 socks PLUS sports socks, push it up to 120 socks a week.  That is A LOT and that's why I HATED socks.  Yes, I did say hatED because a year ago "Just a Girl" posted an ingenious idea to help with the problem.  Here is her POST.

I started these drawers back then and have LOVED this solution ever since.


When I'm folding clothes and come across a sock, I just toss it into the correct drawer.  It's quick and easy and I'm not sitting there trying to pair over a hundred socks with each other.  Then when the kids take their pile of clothes up they pair THEIR own.  The boys have the same brand of socks but both of them like different lengths on the leg so they can tell theirs easily from each other in their bin.  The big girls are kinda the same way with one having pink toe and the other purple. Then they actually share their knee high uniform ones.  Once again it's easy because they aren't sorting through EVERYONE's socks, just their own.  I LOVE not having a string of socks laid out waiting for a mate, I just pick one up, toss it and don't have to think about it again.

I still suck it up and do mine AND Stephen's socks.  Your WelCOme Steve!


Teachinfourth said...

Suddenly laundry doesn't sock…er, suck anymore

Rebecca said...

Brilliant! I hate, yes HATE laundry in general. Any help tips are greatly welcomed!

Summer Spillane Jordan said...

ahhhhh! you are going to make me a sane mother yet! :) thank you for posting this!