Friday, September 24, 2010

Halloween Books

The little girls and I are busy preparing for Halloween.  We had to run to the library to get a few fun Halloween books to add to our collection for reading.  I've learned that you have to go early before the shelf is completely empty of holiday books.  Our library has a lot of new Halloween books this year.  We found a new favorite ...
Halloween Books
It is  Cinderella Skeleton, which you can find here -Cinderella Skeleton
The poor Cinderella is so busy hanging spiderwebs and throwing dirt on the floors.  Her foot breaks off as she leaves the ball....  I LOVE reading aloud, especially with ryhming books like this one.  Ash loves it, but then again she LOVES all of this Halloween business.

I try to keep a basket of the holiday books by the couch separate from other library books and our regular books.  There really are soooo many fun Halloween books, just check your library...
Halloween Books2


Rachel S. Smith said...

Such a great idea! I should really visit the library more!

Dana said...

Have you ever read "Big Pumpkin" by Erica Silverman? We love this Halloween picture book. The illustrations are hillarious! Of course you have to read each character in a unique voice to make it even more fun.
I am going to have to head down to the library next week to see what other Halloween treasures we can find!

Teachinfourth said...

Dana - Big Pumpkin is an AWESOME book. I read it to my class each year.

tren said...

My favorite is Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich, by Adam Rex.