Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photo Perspectives

The definition of Perspective is "the appearance of objects relative to each other, as determined by their distance from the viewer, or the effects of this distance on their appearance".  I had a few people email me about the Fall tree/Nathan soccer shot and how to achieve a different perspective. 


I really don't know, I'm still learning, but so enjoy finding different angles to photograph.  That picture I mentioned above shows that it is Fall, it is late afternoon, it shows Nathan with his soccer ball and that he enjoys it since he has the ball in the middle of the forest.

Everyone views objects and people differently through their own eyes.  What I see, is most likely not what someone else's sees.  I love how different perspectives tell a story.  You can zoom OUT and see the entire scene ...

Legos2I'm bad at doing that because I love the close up face shots, yet I need to do more of the entire scene.  The shot above will remind me of the days that the girls would drag out the bucket of Legos all across the floor. 

Next you can hide in the scene (AKA Legos), zoom IN and take pictures of expressions ...

Legos  Legos4

To me those expressions show a little sister watching her older sister and then obviously mad at her.

There are soooo many angles that pictures can be shot from, and EACH of them tell some of the story or mood.  I really enjoyed seeing all the perspectives that Kristen Duke showed HERE.  I would have never thought of half of those shots!

Anyway, just thought I would share to answer a few emails. 

AND after you take the different pictures and are laying right in the middle of Legos, you will probably be asked to play Legos for a while AND when you say YES, you will get a face that looks like this...



Anonymous said...

Thank you Shauna! I guess I will just experiment.

Teachinfourth said...

Great and interesting angles! I'm still always on the lookout for the amazing shot to be had.