Quick Subway Sign
My friend Amber started me out on this project. Another creative friend had made one and sent us all the details, you can see hers HERE. I didn't want to take all the time to do each letter. (Lazy I know). SOOO I had this brilliant idea to paint my board white, put vinyl on then spray paint all of it black. Then when I took off the vinyl it would leave my white pretty lettering underneath. Not quite as easy as I had pictured, the spray paint adhered the vinyl so much so that I couldn't pick off the lettering without leaving deep marks in my wood. ----This was actually the project last week that was driving me crazyyyyy!!!!
Since that didn't work I was back to square one. That's when I thought of dear ol' Costco. You can print up a 20 x 30 poster size for only $8.99. AND that is exactly what I did. I played with fonts and words in photoshop. Sent it over to Costco. Took my print and modge podged it onto my boxed board. I say boxed board because it looks like a canvas. It's thin sheeting with a little frame around it in the back to give it diminsion. I LOVE it!!!
It was really quick and easy to do. It makes me want to do another big sign to hang somewhere else. Thanks Erin for the idea!!!
i LOVE this!!
I love it!! :) Dang Costco! I didn't know you were so cool!
Shauna, this turned out way cute!!! I LOVE the different fonts and sayings!
Can I just order one from you??
So cute! I've seen the subway sign done with Valentine's Day sayings, but I love it with your family rules. And of course, Costco is amazing.
this is a subway sign I might actually have time to do. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.
Great job! I think this one is my favorite by far.
nicely done...and creatively executed :)
I love it. Easy..really?
You are so smart to find an easy way to do this. Good job!
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
Yes I visited your blog and not only that commented. Love the sign now I have to think where I could put one so I can make one ;)
oh taht is just perfectly magical!!!! looks a million dollars!
argh, i am so sad your great idea to use vinyl didn't work, i guess i'll know not to suggest it to anyone else...so happy you did find a way to make that sign after all...turned out so cute...i'm wondering what i could do to make a similar sign through costco...
You are so creative. What a great idea. And it turned out so cute. Love it!
Thanks for linking it up to my party!!!
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