Friday, February 12, 2010


Bokeh is a photography term referring to the appearance of out of focus areas in an image produced by a camera lens using a shallow depth of field.   It is actually a Japanese word and literally translated means "haze" or "quality blur".
One reason I like bokeh is because it puts all the emphasis on your focal point in the picture.
Green Dress
The MAIN reason I LOVE bokeh is because it hides any messes that might be in the background.  AND having six kids, there is always bound to be some type of mess.  I LOVE this above picture of Jerrica because she is the center focal point, you can't even tell what eyesore is in the background.
I noticed that she was standing in front of stuff in that first picture so I turned at a different angle to get this next one.
Green Dress4
BUT after seeing how wonderful bokeh blurs out my messes, I might just keep taking pictures and not worry about where I am standing!


T.Irwin said...

my term of the day? bokeh. I've unwittingly used it in my pictures, and will continue to hide the background in the same way...and now I know the term. LOL!

Jessica Stier said...

I had no idea that bokeh was a Japanese word. I learned something new today. Yay!

Is there any chance I could convince you to be a guest poster on MomShots? You could use this exact same post if you wanted. Or write a new one. Let me know your thoughts...

Take care!