Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dead Moth Smell

Rebecca got a new ring at Target and is pretty much the fanciest little girl.


Rebecca is ALSO the prissiest little girl.  She had an indoor soccer game this morning.  As we were leaving she said, "I hate playing in there because it is so stinky, especially on the bench where we have to sit."

I'm thinking ya it does stink in there with all of the sweat that doesn't get aired out.  And ya it probably is really stinky by the bench where sweat has seeped into the wood.

Then she says, "Mom, I think it smells like a DEAD MOTH in there"......uh......a Dead Moth?!?!?.....Do those even smell?!?!

Why would you compare any smell to a dead moth?!?


Unknown said...

Do they really?!?! I had no idea. I guess I need to give Rebecca more credit!

T.Irwin said...

ha ha ha ha! a dead moth, huh? too funny! I love that she even knows what a dead moth smells like! (I double dog dare you to smell this dead moth)

Rebecca A said...

Yess! She’s my soul sister. Nobody ever wanted to believe me!