Freezer Friends - Is a group of six friends. We have similar family sizes and similar tastes. We meet once a month to exchange our meals. We include a recipe along with the meal. Instructions are written in Sharpie on the freezer containers or foil. The categories are chicken, beef, soup, casserole, and a whatever category (you can make anything from a dessert, breakfast meal, something to grill ...ANYTHING) I like it this way because you don't end up with all soups for a month or all casseroles. Also, it narrows down your possibilities as you are trying to think of what to make since you have to stay in your category. Lastly, we alternate who sets up the date and time to meet so that one person isn't always in charge of coordinating and having it at their house. Whomever has chicken has to host that month. We have been doing it for about a year now, and I LOVE it!!!
Photography - I am loving to learn about this right now. I usually am reading a book or something online about photography. If you haven't subscribed to this FREE photography school you really should. They have incredible tips and ideas. I'm also thinking of signing up for the clickin moms photography. The other site I love is the site. It is filled with tutorials! I also enjoy tips on
One of my favorite accessories that I LOVE to use is my monopod. I LOVE it! The more still that you can hold your camera , the more sharp your photos will be! However, I find that tripods can be a pain adjusting, whereas the monopod can be leaned and quickly lengthened and shortened since there is only ONE pod to deal with. AND it gives you a steady prop to take the picture. You can find it here on Amazon Canon Monopod 100 for SLR Cameras & Lenses
thank you!!!!
i'll check out those sites.
do you bring your tripod with you for your outside shots (like the ice pics) or just use it on the indoor photo shoots?
sorry, i have 100 questions, and i also have 6 (crazy) kids so the reality of doing what most people suggest doesn't work for me.
and, i'm not at a stage of life where i can invest lots of time to learn more... i just shoot in auto, without a flash. i've kind of consigned myself to blurry or dark pictures... but, you give me hope!
I love ClickinMoms! It's one of my favorite sites. Off I go to look at the I heart faces site, I seen the link everywhere but have never been. What is wrong with me?!?!?!
Thanks so much for the information! I love your ideas and appreciate you sharing so willingly :)
Thank you so much!!! I am looking into getting a nice DSLR camera later this month (once we get our tax returns...). Thanks for the tips!! Hopefully someday my pictures will look as great as yours do!
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