Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Book Questions

I do have Blurb slurp my blog and then go in and tweak it.  If I see small posts close together, I go into photoshop and make an 8 x 10 page with the posts together on a page.  It is a lot more user friendly and quicker if I do it in photoshop and then drag the page into Blurb as a photo page.  I don't do this for every post.  Just the ones that I want to tweak.  Then delete the small Blurb slurped posts.  You could do this in Blurb, it just takes a little longer.

My pictures just seem to look better on that premium paper to me.  It also seems a little heavier to withstand all the hands turning the pages.

The stitching is actually a free digital scrapbook element from one of Shabby Princess collection.  It is under the Harvest file.  If you haven't tried any of their papers, you really should they are so fun and FREE!

Yes I was frustrated too when I first used Blurb.  They slurped all my pictures and pages so fast and I thought that it would all be fast, BUT it took a little time to familiarize myself with the program and what would work for me.  I do like photoshop for quick page arrangements when I'm combining posts though.

Hope that answers your questions!  Good luck, the books sure are worth it.  Going from full on scrapbooking with all the supplies and expense to Blurb books saves so much time and money!


Ryan M. Spillane said...

Can you just come to my house and help me:)

Teachinfourth said...

I've downloaded the to just start using it!