Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Those Are My Favorites

So I was out planting some flats of flowers that I had bought.  I had probably spent way too much on them, but they were all so pretty.  I also had probably bought a few too many because it was taking a while to get all of them planted.

Up walks Kaylee.

“Mom I think those are my favorites”

I proceed to get excited to hear which ones she likes, and ask her “which ones?”

She then points out into our lot at all of the hundreds of wildflowers that are blooming (especially since we have had so much rain).  Then continues chatting, telling me how they are so pretty because there are sooo many of them and how I didn’t have to waste any of my time planting them.  She also points out how they look pretty in the weeds, but how my flowers never look pretty in weeds.

She skips off and I sit there thinking of how those wildflowers didn’t cost me a dime, and yet how beautiful they are.  I took a picture tonight of some of them.  There are quite a few different varieties and colors, but these red ones are my favorites.

Wild Flowers

1 comment:

Becki Madsen said...

Beautiful picture! I wish I had wildflowers in my yard, I just have all headless flowers due to my cute 10 month old who loves to pull all of the blossoms off!