Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hiking with the Mumma’s

Lance was out of town this weekend putting some of his art in galleries in New Mexico. So on Saturday we decided to take Kim and Mallory on a hike with us. It is such a beautiful hike up Cheyenne Canyon on Mount Cutler. The weather was PERFECT! Here are a few pictures from the hike.





At the very top we had those yummy frozen sorbets that come in the real fruit shell from Costco. Those are so yummy! I haven’t decided which one is my favorite because I like them all.


Kim had me laughing so hard. She has such a funny sense of humor.

When we got back home we started our big backyard project. We weeded and shoveled and raked until we all pretty much had blisters on our hands. Tomorrow the fun continues on the project. Pioneer Sand is coming bright and early at 7:00am to bring us a load of planter’s soil. I’m EXCITED!!!

1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

My husband and I LOVE those sorbets from Costco! they are so great on a hot day after work and they taste wonderful. MMMMMM