Friday, June 5, 2009

Spa Night with Girlfriends

Spa Night

Elizabeth and Abby came over tonight for a spa night.  The boys went to Zach’s for a boys night.  They were going to the movie and then having a video game tournament.  The girls were sooo giggly and squirrelly.  We did manicures with hand massages and parafin wax.  I took some pictures of the girls when they were doing the wax.

Spa Night7

Spa Night3

Spa Night4

Spa Night2 

Spa Night5 

It is so interesting to me how my kids act differently around different friends.  The girls were definitely a hoot tonight.  And can I just say that I’m glad that we don’t have SIX girls.  I think I would go CRAZY!!!

1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

I know I was this giggly, but it's hard to really think that I was. I watch old video tapes and listen to old cassette tapes and I think, "I was so silly." These are very cute pictues.