Wednesday, June 24, 2009

His Own Business

Jacob started his own business mowing lots.  We live in a development with 2 1/2 acre lots and are required to mow them at least twice a year.  He took around signs and had his little sister Kaylee do all the talking.  He charges $65 and has to give $15 to his dad for the gas and use of the mower.  It’s good experience for him and a good deal for the neighbors.

Horny Toad2

As you can see little sisters always like to ride with him.  He should charge for the rides that he gives.  Well, last night the mowing came to a halt and I thought that something had broken.  Jacob had seen this little horny toad and stopped to pick him up and bring him over to show to all his brothers and sisters.  He had such bright colors and sharp little spikes all over him.  Even look at the scales on his legs. 

Horny Toad3

Well of course all the kids cried to keep him as a pet.  I know that I’ve posted how pets are the best toys, BUT we do already have a dog and two kittens so we HAD to let this little fellow go.  I couldn’t believe that my girls wanted to hold him and coo over him.  I just never have gotten into reptiles!

1 comment:

Summer Spillane Jordan said... sister in law here has 4 boys right in a row and i always remember she'd tell me that they had to say prayers in the morning for the animals and creatures that may get harmed in their daily play :) so, as they've grown...they came up with a strategy for "pets"...they have an aquarium type "cage" outside of their back porch. if any animal is brought back to the house they are allowed to let him "sleep over" for the night...but must be returned to the spot where they found him by the 24 hour mark! i loved it! thought it was fair for both parties :) we've taken this on in our home and it works quite well!
i didn't realize you were out far enough to have so much room to run. so neat! and such little entrepreneurs you are raising...nice job!