Sunday, June 7, 2009

Grandpa and Go Karts

Go Kart

Go Kart2

We went to my parents this weekend, which always means outdoor fun.  Grandpa got the go kart out that he has been working on for the grandkids.  Not only was it a blast, but the roads were flooded with farmers irrigating so that meant MAJOR blast!

Go Kart3

Go Kart4

Grandpa also gave rides in his little cart to the little girls. 

Some of the other highlights were going down to Uncle Kevin’s and seeing the LIVE rattlesnake that he caught a few days ago.  It was still alive because he was keeping it in his grain barrel that mice had been getting in to.  He was using it to kill the mice.  He told us that there were five mice in the barrel when he first put it in.  Can I just say that I was freaked out as each kid peaked their head in the barrel as the snake lay there coiled and rattling!?! 

Aunt Kathy brought down her “traveling garage sale” that is always FREE for the kids to pick out treasures.  She also taught me how to make her English Toffee on one of the nights while we were there. 

And last but not least Stever and I had a date night and ended up eating dinner at Chili’s with my cousin Jessie and her husband.  I have always gotten a kick out of Jessie’s sarcastic personality!

Go Kart5

1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

great action pics! funny faces - makes me laugh.