I LOVED the book! Stephen came home late last night from playing volleyball and I was doing the ugly cry trying to read in between tears. I think I freaked Stephen out because I’m not a crier.
It’s about a very wealthy man and a homeless man whose lives intersect.
LOVEd this quote in it, “You never know whose eyes God is watchin’ you through”. We are surrounded by so many people that God is using. Sometimes WE are the means of helping others and answering their prayers, and most times we are the recipients of others’ love and service. I can’t even count how many times others have answered my prayers through their actions.
Anyway, here is the Amazon link –Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together
Really a GREAT book!
Thank you! I was needing a good book to snuggle up to next week!
seriously a life changing book for me! I look at others with less judgement and more compassion! You NEVER know what someone's life has been like! Love one another! Thanks for recommending this book to others! Love your blog!
Absolutely love this book as well!
I'm glad you liked it.
I was afraid to make a comment because I still have the book you sent me...that I still need to send back to you........
but here's the comment I wanted to make: Thanks for the suggestion. I've been wanting to read a good book. :D (and I really haven't forgotten your book)
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