Friday, January 11, 2013


We eat bananas as if we had a banana tree outside.  Our favorite cookies are these banana cookies…
Banana cookies
There is just something about their texture that makes you eat one after another.  The kids’ eyes light up when they come home from school and I have a batch of these hot out of the oven.

Speaking of bananas, my sister got one of these for Christmas and raved about it - Yonanas 902 Ice Cream Treat Maker, Black/Silver


This week I had a friend let me try some from her machine.  Oh my goodness, YUMMY!  It is now on my list to get.  I think even saying the name is fun… a Yonana Machine.  So awesome!

1 comment:

Jo Guy said...

we love our yonanas!!!!! my kiddies think its great when I give them 'icecream' for breakfast. nothing like pure fruit!!