Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Room to Grow

I planted my tomatoes inside the end of February.  When I set them outside in April, I had an extra one.  I kept it inside with my other seedlings thinking that if one of the plants outside died, I could replace it.  Well, none of the plants died.  In fact they thrived in their wall of waters.  I still kept the extra one with the other starts that hadn’t been set out yet.

This week I finished setting and planting EVERYTHING outside and still had this one little lone plant.  I looked at it and couldn’t believe how much different it looked from the others that I had planted by seed at the SAME time.

Tomato Tomato2

The plants I set out in the garden were given room to grow.  They could stretch their roots as far as they cared.  They could have sunlight all day, instead of just when it was shining through the window.

Of course I marched the kids outside to show them the difference.  I talked to them about how when we stay in our little, easy world, we can’t really grow and branch out.  Our lives are stunted when we don’t stretch and push ourselves.  We can grow bigger and be better if we venture out of our sheltered space.

I just can’t believe these plants were started at the same time, and how great the difference is.  It makes me step back and look at my life.  I want to fill a garden and not just a small container.  :)


Maria Babin said...

This is so beautiful Shauna! I wonder if I give my children enough room to grow?! Definitely food for thought!

Anonymous said...

Can I just say how much I enjoy your thoughts on life! This is so true what you have stated. - Beth