Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother’s Day Tea

Kaylee and I had Mother’s Day tea this week.

 Mothers Tea

The sweetest thing happened.  We were all playing a mother game (newlywed style), where mothers and kids had to answer questions and try to get the same answer.  Four moms and kids would come to the front of the room at a time to compete.  Well, there was a quiet Chinese mother that was struggling to come up with an answer.  We were literally waiting as she was trying to think of something to write on her dry erase board.  The question was “What is your mother’s talent?”  I felt bad because she was getting embarrassed trying to think of something.  Then when we got to her son’s answer he said, “I don’t know which to say.  My mom is good at a lot of things and I actually wrote four things down.”  Her face said everything!  What a sweet son to not skip a beat and make his mom feel like the greatest.

Kaylee made me feel like the greatest as well.  I LOVED her card at my table!  (It’s that cute card in the picture above.)  The girl definitely knows me.  It said…..

“Mom, is loving, gracious, helpful.  She loves chocolate, family and friends.  She is good at cooking, basketball and being a mom.  She makes me feel special, fantastic and beautiful.  She laughs when I’m funny, at movies and with our family.  She frowns when her kids are gone, when I am sad and if I am being mean.  She loves to go to beaches, family field trips and to Target.  She helps me with homework, sports, and problems.  She expects me to do my best, live life to the fullest and help others.  She is surprised when there is snakes, mice and weird dreams.  I couldn’t live without her comfort, creativity, and affection.”

Definitely another keepsake for my box.  :)

1 comment:

Spike N Tuna Jones said...

So sweet what she wrote for you. I did my best NOT to read the cards unless the childrne asked me to do so. :)