Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I made a goal at the first of the year to be in more photos.  Can I just say that it is VERY hard to do!  BUT I want my kids to remember me. 


I want them to remember that I too, had red hair (before it goes grey).  I want them to remember my smile before it is too filled with wrinkles.  I want them to remember that I was there in the middle of all their memories.  I want them to remember our routines, like reading stories after lunch.

 Reading2 Reading3

I want them to remember how much I totally LOVE each of  them!


Maria Babin said...

You are so beautiful! You still look amazingly young! how do you do it?

Km said...

Beautiful post!!! Gorgeous mama! I agree with comment above. Give us your top secret beauty secrets. I think your glow comes from within... You have such a beautiful inside it shines on the outside. Now that I have an iPhone/INSTAGRAM I am in more pics too!!