Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Firehouse BBQ

I have been crazy busy.  May always throws me for a loop with all of the end of the school year programs, parties, concerts…  Then Memorial Day weekend came and added to the craziness. 

Jacob asked if we could sometime get Firehouse BBQ from Blackforest.  He has been craving and asking for a while now.  So today amidst the chaos when Jacob asked again, I told Kaylee to take care of lunch for the rest of the kids and took Jake to the Firehouse.  We picked up our sandwiches, and headed to the Blackforest park.

Jake is quiet, but his smile and gratitude said it all…

Jake Picnic

It was awesome to lay there, taking in the gorgeous day, and spending time with Jake.  It was perfect one on one time with him.  I need more of that with him, especially since he has so much going on this summer.

One on one dates are also the perfect time for me to escape and just relax for a moment.  :)

Sure love you Jacob!

1 comment:

km said...

one on one time with our kiddos is precious time indeed!!!