Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Today I was invited to teach a character lesson in Nathan's 4th Grade class. They focus on a character trait each month. I was so excited to do perseverance! Think of all the inspirational stories there are. I started out talking about Heber J Grant with his baseball, penmanship and then singing. We talked about the quote that Heber lived by and is the same quote for the class this month. I explained how hard it is for a toddler to learn to walk and how much they have to concentrate and work on it. However, once walking is mastered we don't even think about how we walk or have to concentrate to do it. Thus the quote "not that the nature of the thing is changed, but that our power to do is increased." Next I passed out Hershey chocolates and talked about Milton Hershey. I also shared the stories of J K Rowling, Michael Jordan, Charles Schultz and then concluded with Thomas Edison. I had a short animated video clip of Thomas Edison trying over and over to perfect the light bulb. I passed out the hand out above and told each of those 4th graders that they can do absolutely anything if they are perseverant. I think almost every successful person has had to work hard and overcome trials and that is what makes them sooo successful. Anyway, it was a really fun presentation to do. If anyone wants the stories of these people email me and I will shoot you them AKA, Alesha (lover of true inspirational stories)


Becki Madsen said...

Send them to me Shauna! Sounds like you did a great job! I too love your bokeh!

T.Irwin said...

I would love to add these stories to my collection. Will you email them to me?
