Sunday, September 11, 2011


I love being able to sleep in and actually REST on Sundays.  Today as I was straightening my hair Jerrica came in with her little scripture book bag and looked up at me saying, “I’m all ready to go to church”  I looked down at those big eyes and told her not to move a muscle.  I ran and grabbed my camera and snapped one of her.  I HAD to have that sweet little image forever because my mind forgets.


Not only do I enjoy the day of rest, but I am grateful for the time to reflect on my life, on my goals.  Stephen sat down with each of the kids one on one to go over their goals tonight.  It’s fun to go in their rooms and read them on their bulletin boards.  Each of my kids are so different and have different dreams and aspirations.

Sunday is a day we put on our best clothes and go to church.  We reflect on goals and what we need to do to improve ourselves.  We are able to strengthen relationships with family and friends through mail, phone or visits.  I love seeing the board games come out on Sundays and the banter between the kids.  The music I play through the house is different.  Even our Sunday dinner is just a little bigger and better than a typical dinner.  Sunday is just different than the other days. 

What a blessing to have Sundays to recharge spiritually and physically.  It truly is the best day of the week!


Lacy@uphillandsmiling said...

:) well said.

Anonymous said...

They need a "like" button on blog comments. I totally agree with you. Sunday feels like a different day because it is.


Diana said...

You have the most gorgeous children, Shauna!

Sonja said...

Beautifully said! I love Sundays. Hubby is mostly off work and not on-call. :)

Km said...

Oh my preciousness!!!!! She is too sweet for words. I am with you, Sunday is such a beautiful time refresh and grow in God!