Thursday, September 8, 2011

Kiss Cookies

FIRST, I wanted to share this list for all of you out there with toddlers.  It is FULL of fun and easy activities to do with toddlers at home, while their siblings are at school.  You can find the list HERE.  I’m excited to check some of them off with Jerrica this year.

I try really hard to always have story time right after lunch.  The problem is that by the time story time is over, I’m needing a little sweet treat to get me going again.  Jerrica loves to help in the kitchen, so we usually migrate in there and make a treat.  Today we made Kiss Cookies. 

Cookies4   It was a perfect cookie to make with a three almost four year old.  She was able to roll the cookie ball in the sugar.  She helped dump in ingredients.  She unwrapped Hershey Kisses and then carefully placed each one on a warm cookie.

Cookies Cookies2 Cookies3

Then the REAL kisses came.  Stephen smelled the cookies and came up from working to try one.  I love these next shots of the two of them.  Jerrica really is a daddy’s girl.  He has been working here from home since she was born.

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She sure gets a lot of attention being the only one home with Stephen and I.  After Stephen went back down to work Jerrica said, “I like chocolate kisses a lot more than daddy kisses.”  :)