Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Question before Family Prayer

A few months ago I read the idea of asking the question, “Does anyone have anything they want mentioned in the prayer?”

We have implemented it, and I’m kicking myself for not doing this years ago.  It makes family members aware of each other and their needs. I have seen the kids ask how a test went or how someone feels because they were made aware of it in family prayer.  We live in a very self absorbed world, and being able to pray for others, turns our thoughts to others. 

Hearing what family members say, also let’s me into their heads of what is troubling them and what they are concerned about to cause them to bring it up at family prayer.  Nathan asked the other night if we could still pray for Gian Luc’s family.  Rebecca asked to pray for her leg, that I wasn’t even aware of being hurt until she mentioned it.

I just love how this question right before the prayer, personalizes it for our family.  It makes us start thinking of each other.  Praying for a group means being aware of the needs of the group. 

Anyway, just thought I would share….


Summer Spillane Jordan said...

THANK YOU for sharing this! Our prayers have become very quick and I've been working with the kids to have them really think of what we should be praying for and who we're talking with. This is exactly what I needed to add to it I think!

Jaymerz said...

Thank you!! This came just at the right time when I have been thinking about how to make our prayers more personal instead of the same things being rattled off.