Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rebecca’s Birthday

We celebrated Rebecca’s birthday over the weekend as a family.  She did remind me that it is an odd year birthday, thus it should be a friend party.  It’s always such a hard time of year with school getting ready to start so I promised her a friend party in a couple of weeks when life calms down a bit.

 Bec Birthday2ED Bec Birthday3ED Bec Birthday5

She is WAYYY into dolphins and penguins right now so we made a penguin cake.  She ALSO wanted cupcakes so we threw in dead looking fish cupcakes for the penguin…

Bec Cake2

When I went to take a picture of our finished masterpiece, I noticed that the little yellow fish looked a little “licked”.  Ashley quickly said, “I bet the penguin cake did it because he was so tired of just staring at the yummy frosting”.  You can guess who the actual culprit was with that quick reply of hers.

Anyway back to Rebecca, she LOVES to read.  She also enjoys writing stories and writing letters to family and friends.  She enjoys dance, soccer, volleyball, and the piano.  I’m hoping that this girl will marry into money because she is always talking about how her gardener will pull all of the weeds and how her butler is going to massage her feet every night.  Add her love for clothes and jewelry, she better marry a man with money!

We sure LOVE you Rebecca Rae! 


Ryan M. Spillane said...

Rebecca is so pretty!!! I hope she had a fun weekend! Your cake and cupcakes look so cute! You are an AWESOME mommy!!

Maria Babin said...

soooo....??? did you take her to see mr. popper's penguins? ;) it was a lovely cake! happy birthday!