Monday, August 22, 2011

My Garden

We have so enjoyed our garden this year.  In July we harvested 10 bulbs of garlic.  It was my first time growing garlic, and I think I fell in love with this type of garlic flavor.  We also have had a lot of raspberries and strawberries this year, which is good since our fruit trees didn’t produce (late frost).  I planted 12 tomato plants and they are producing like crazy.  I LOVE a fresh garden tomato! 

Squash and zucchini have been non-stop. I try to keep them picked small, but they just grow so fast.

Garden Garden2 

It is so nice to make a stew, stir-fry, kabobs, or tortellini soup with veggies from my garden.  Those are some of my favorite dinners and are so cheap to make thanks to the garden. 

I love this little basket that we pick green beans in.  We fill it up, bring the basket in, snap them, cook them up, and it’s the perfect amount for our family.


It is always fun to work out in the garden with the kids chatting away.  They are in awe of being able to grow food.  They also enjoy the “different” looking veggies.  Kaylee thought that this carrot looked like it had its own legs.


This year we planted pumpkins, onions, herbs, tomatillos, tomatoes,  cucumbers, carrots, cilantro, peas, squash, zucchini, peas and beans.  It is so neat to be able to grow such a variety of yummy vegetables.

I’m just sad that I can’t grow year around.  :(


Anonymous said...

Next year try a couple fun things... purple bell peppers and purple and white carrots were a hit with our girls!

tren said...

I really enjoyed that fresh salsa you made when we came to visit! Every year I want to do a garden. Maybe next year I actually will!

So, I hear you once went on a date with our friend Kris Liddell?