Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fruit Loop Necklace

Jerrica stays at home with me and does “Mommy School”.  This pretty much means a little project and story time.  She LOVES every minute of it and doesn’t let me forget that the kids are gone and it’s time for “Mommy School”

I’m always surprised at how just a few minutes mean so much to her.  She will talk at great length to her older siblings or extended family on the phone about what she did in her “Mommy School”.  Today I was lame and sat editing pictures from a shoot and had her in by me working on a Fruit Loop necklace on yarn.  She chatted on and on about the colors of the Fruit Loops and how she was going to make one for everyone in the family.  She wanted to make earrings for Kaylee.  I kept on with my editing, but could NOT resist grabbing my camera and snapping a few pictures of her sitting there by me.  She was just too cute.  

Fruit loops7

Here we have our few minutes together with undivided attention yet I wasn’t giving it to her like I should have.  SO after a few pictures and lots of giggles I put the laptop and camera away for some “Mommy School” time.  She will be gone and in school before I know it. 

Why does time have to go so fast?!?!? 

Fruit loops Fruit loops2 Fruit loops3 Fruit loops4 Fruit loops5 Fruit loops6

I’m so grateful for this little girl and the energy that she keeps in our home.  She is such a sweet girl!

1 comment:

T.Irwin said...

Okay, I love her little face! Everytime I see her picture, I can't help but smile!!

Mommy school is awesome and I'm glad she loves it.